Sunday, 10 December 2006


not posted in a week? thats cause ive had no bloody time.

this could be amusing to read back on because im not in the best of moods as im writing this.. however im not sure if i can convey my emotions through words.

this week what has hapened ... ive worked ALOT. well wait.. sunday and monday did nothing but write an essay on apples due in for Tuesday. Tuesday i went out for a quick drink from uni (yay strawberry cider!) but then worked. Wednesday i worked. Thursday I xmas shopped, strawberry cidered and worked. Friday i uni-ed it and then Ashleighs party saturday and sunday(incidentally today and thus the end of this boring and annoying list) i worked - work night ou on saturday.

ashleighs party was actually pretty good. i didnt really know what to expect but it was a great night. shame i worked the next day but nevermind. was good seeing some people i dont really get to now - school folk and such. the limo had some banging tunes totaly ti mi likin. it was generally good "banter" all night..ended with my second time of ever being sick from booze though. so i think i drank enough to see the 18th in well even if i did only get a couple of hours sleep before startin work

works night out in honesty i thought was a bit shit. think i just wasnt in the mood for it tho - think lack of sleep contributed there. (im so excited to fall asleep tonight it is going to be a highlight thats for sure.) but maxywell did promise me that night a bear from the build a bear factory for xmas - im excited!!

Tomorrow should be great going to see the D!! lol who cares about coursework :S oopsie so much for my sticking in at uni biznitch. ooo ooo i got tickets to see mcfly - 4th row think so!?!?!! haha its going to be a great night!!

kineh kineh kineh thats all (for now) folks!

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