Tuesday, 2 January 2007

happy new year

ok xmas/new year is over. i havent posted because i havent been bothered. i deleted my old blog because it was getting depressing - and im trying not to let this one do the same.

xmas firstly was the biggest load of rubbish ever(oops off to a bad start). im usually all for xmas spirit and get really excited but it was a let down - presents and xmas morning traditions were great however eating out for the meal was as bad as i thought it would be and not seeing any of my family and even the people we were with leaving really early. i was just really down most of the day.
New Year was better - was with a good bunch of people and first footing with weed was most random but fun.

but now i cant help but go back to why im down.. maybe its that i feel 'blogging it' iwill get it off my chest - maybe ill just delete this post a few days down the line cause i think it sounds pathetic i dunno.
so how some people act pisses me off. im not going to go into detail but i wish a few people i know could make up there mind, not lie and be themself. saying that i must piss some people off - half the time i wish i wasnt so shy, or didnt talk too loud when i get excited (lol) or be too 'sensitive'. its been said for ages and i havent snapped out of it yet.

so naturally im not going to keep down about it - or hell i dont want to keep down about it. a few people who im close to will know that the past month or so hasnt been the happiest. and its up to me to snap out of it. so considering its new year i should probably make some resolutions or something. i should study. i should save money. hell i dont know.